Evolution of USAISEC
Office of the Chief Signal Officer establishes the Plant and Engineering Agency. The agency’s mission was to engineer and install airport communications for air navigation and meteorological facilities under the Army Airways Communications System.
The Army re-designates the Plant and Engineering Agency as the Army Signal Engineering Agency.
- 1962:
The Army Signal Engineering Agency merges with the Army Communications Agency. The new organization is known as the Army Strategic Communications Command or STRATCOM.
- 1967:
STRATCOM moves from Washington, DC to Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Shortly after relocating, the Army Signal Engineering Agency is re-designated as the United States Army Communications-Electronics Engineering and Installation Agency.
On October 1, the Army establishes the United States Army Information Systems Command (ISC) to manage the Information Mission Area, assuming responsibility for all areas of information management within the U.S. Army a single command.
Also on 1 October, the U.S. Army Computer Systems Command a field operating activity of the Headquarters, Department of the Army Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations-Command, Control, Communications and Computers (C4) was transferred to the Information Systems Command as a major subordinate command.
On 1 October 1984, the Computer Systems Command was re-designated the United States Army Information Systems Software Command (ISSC). Nine months later, the Computer Systems Command was re-designated the United States Army Information Systems Engineering Command and became known as USAISEC or ISEC for short. - 1987:
On 1 October, ISEC’s headquarters relocated from Fort Belvoir, Virginia to Fort Huachuca, Arizona, where it became a major subordinate command.
On 1 October, the Chief of Staff of the Army authorizes the consolidation of engineering activities under the Army Materiel Command (AMC). This consolidation results in ISEC became a subordinate command aligned under the United States Army Communications-Electronics Command or CECOM.
Throughout its rich history, ISEC’s focus has been, and remains, to provide world class communications and logistics support to enable readiness to our Warfighters as the C5ISR “Materiel Integrator” for the Army. Whether supporting our service members during Disaster Relief, or Combat Deployments, ISEC’s global team of Trusted Professionals stand ready to support our Nation’s most precious asset…the American Soldier!